2000: Abschluss Humanmedizin mit Doktortitel
2003: Abschluss Zahnmedizin mit Doktortitel
2008: Fachzahnarzt Kieferorthopädie
2008-2011: Leitung Universitätsklinik für Kieferorthopädie in Basel (Forschung, Patientenbehandlung, Ausbildung der Studenten und Fachzahnärzte)
Seit 2012: Privatdozent Uni Basel und in privatzahnärztlicher Praxis
2001: Doktorwürde Humanmedizin
2004: Doktorwürde Zahnmedizin
2008: Fachzahnarzt Kieferorthopädie
2010: Teacher of the Year UZM (Universitäre Zahnmedizin Basel)
2012: Privatdozent für Kieferorthopädie
SGK: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie
SSO: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Zahnheilkunde
AAO: American Association of Orthodontists
EOS: European Orthodontic Society
WFO: World Federation of Orthodontists
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
European Journal of Orthodontics
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
The Angle Orthodontist
Brauchli Lorenz, Senn Christiane, Ball Judith, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Force levels of 23 currently available open coil springs in compression testing/ Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop/ 139/601-5/2011
Wichelhaus Andrea#, Brauchli Lorenz#, Ball Judith, Mertmann Matthias/ Mechanical behavior and clinical application of NiTi closed coil springs under different stress levels and mechanical loading cycles/ Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop/ 137/671-8/2010
Brauchli Lorenz, Eichenberger Martina, Steineck Markus, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Influence of decontamination procedures on shear forces after contamination with blood or saliva/ Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop/ 138/435-41/2010
Brauchli Lorenz, Pintus Stefano, Steineck Markus, Lüthy Heinz, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Shear modulus of five flowable composites to the EverStick Ortho FRC retainer – an in vitro study/ Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop/ 135/ 54-8/ 2009
Brauchli Lorenz#, Keller Heidi#, Senn Christiane, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Influence of bending mode on the mechanical properties of nickel titanium archwires and correlation to DSC measurements/ Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop/ 139/e449-54/2011
Brauchli Lorenz, Senn Christiane, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Active and passive self-ligation – a myth? / Angle Orthod/ 81/312-8/2011
Brauchli Lorenz#, Muscillo Teodoro#, Steineck Markus, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Influence of enamel conditioning on the shear bond strength of different adhesives. J Orofacial Orthop/ 71/411-20/2010
Brauchli Lorenz, Baumgartner Eva-Maria, Ball Judith, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Roughness of enamel surfaces after different bonding and debonding procedures. An in vitro study/ J Orofacial Orthop/ 72/61-7/2011
Baumann Dennis#, Brauchli Lorenz#, VanWaes Hubertus/ The influence of dental loupes on the quality of adhesive removal in orthodontic debonding/ J Orofacial Orthop/ 72/125-32/2011
Lochmatter Didier, Steineck Markus, Brauchli Lorenz/The influence of material choice on the force delivery of bimaxillary tooth positioners on canine malpositions/J Orofac Orthop/in press
Buchmann Nora, Senn Christiane, Ball Judith, Brauchli Lorenz/ Influence of initial strain on the force decay of currently available elastic chains over time/ Angle Orthod/ in press
Mank Sabrina, Steineck Markus, Brauchli Lorenz/ Influence of various polishing methods on pulp temperature – an in vitro study/ J Orofac Orthop/72/348-57/2011
Brauchli Lorenz, Zeller Marlis, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Shear bond forces of seven self-etching primers after thermo-cycling/ J Orofac Orthop/ 72/371-80/2011
Wichelhaus A, Brauchli L, Song Q, Adler G, Bode G/ Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in the adolescent oral cavity. Dependence on orthodontic therapy, oral flora and hygiene/ J Orofac Orthop/72/187-95/2011
Brauchli Lorenz, Schönenberger Pascal, Ball Judith, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Bond strengths of metal, ceramic and polymer brackets in combination with different enamel preconditioning methods/ Dentistry/ doi: 10.4172/2161-1122.1000104
Brauchli Lorenz, Steineck Markus, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Active and passive self-ligation – a myth? Part 1: Torque control/Angle Orthod/ in press/ doi: 10.2319/062011-673.1
Brauchli Lorenz, Schramm Andrea, Senn Christiane, Ball Judith, Wichelhaus Andrea/ Laser conditioning of enamel with the Erbium YAG and the CO 2 laser/ Dentistry 1:106. doi:10.4172/2161-1122.1000106
# equal contribution